Campus to Corporate - One day Capacity Building Program

  • Date

    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences is organizing One day Capacity Building Program Campus to Corporate”. The objective of this one day workshop is to create awareness and equip our pharmacy students the necessary tools to do their job search with confidence. We shall also do a follow up session to ensure the attendees are on track with their learnings from the workshop. Various aspects such as Upcoming career opportunities in pharmaceuticals , Using LinkedIn for branding, Networking and job search, Building a powerful resume that works, Email etiquettes, How to prepare and crack interview? Will be delt in the workshop

Date: 30th March 2023

Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Kumar Yadava

Registration Fee: Rs.500

Registration link: https://​ruas​portal​.msruas​.ac​.in/​a​n​o​n​_​e​v​F​o​r​m​.​h​t​m​?​ev=29

Dr. Anbu Jayaraman
Faculty Co-ordinator
Mr. Damodar Nayak A