
Research Centres

RUAS’s comprehensive approach to education includes a strong emphasis on research. Our research efforts seek to bridge the gap between academics and industry, creating a better understanding of the field of study while also resolving industry-specific problems. 

FPH houses two well-equipped research centres that offer faculty members and students the resources and support they need.

Drug Design and Development Centre (DDDC)

The Drug Design and Development Centre was established with the aim of creating a research group dedicated to the design and development of novel drug delivery systems. It was envisioned as a centre of international relevance and quality that would adhere to contemporary medical treatment norms.

DDDC aims to

  • Develop drug delivery systems for natural and synthetic drugs
  • Develop drug delivery expertise in the focused research areas of Alzheimer’s, Autism, and wound healing
  • Model, simulate, and analyse human physiological systems and subsystems from the perspective of pharmaco-kinetics and pharmaco-dynamics 
  • Evaluate novel drug delivery systems through in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials
  • Ensure transfer of developed technologies for commercialisation of drug delivery systems
  • Impart practical training on concepts and best practices of pharmaceutical science for drug delivery systems
  • Develop and pursue mutually beneficial collaborations and partnerships with other universities, research centres, and industries

The activities of the centre include

  • Development of oral, buccal, ocular, nasal and transdermal drug delivery systems
  • Nanotechnology-based formulations for drug systems
  • Development of co-processed excipients and new polymers
  • Development of cosmetics and personal care products
  • Pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies
  • Standardization of herbal drugs
  • Isolation of phytoconstituents
  • Pharmacological and toxicological studies
  • Study of neuropharmacology and metabolic disorders
  • Pharmacological screening of drugs
  • Evaluation of drug safety and toxicology

The centre also conducts research into synthetic chemistry, drug conjugate, analytical method development, computational medicinal chemistry, molecular conformation, and cancer biology.

Pharmacological Modeling and Simulation Centre (PMSC)

The Pharmacological Modeling and Simulation Centre approaches the analysis and modeling of human physiology from the perspective of pharmacology and the structure activity relationship of drugs. The centre dedicates its efforts and resources towards improving upon the existing knowledge in its field of work and towards leading groundbreaking innovation.

The Centre aims to

  • Discover hit or lead compounds for therapeutic targets of interest by application of different computational and experimental strategies 
  • Unravel novel disease-specific drug targets using computational techniques
  • Create drug library for drug repurposing based on novel disease-specific druggable targets
  • Impart training programs on computational and experimental techniques associated with drug design/​discovery
  • Offer cross-disciplinary learning platforms
  • Publish the scientific outcomes in indexed journals 
  • Strengthen the research competencies by collaborating with industries and research institutes 

The activities of the centre include

  • Disease-specific target-based drug repurposing 
  • Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of small molecules
  • Target and ligand-based drug design/​discovery
  • Identify and optimize drug activity
  • Model ADME properties
  • Conduct experiments and computational studies of thermodynamics and kinetics of protein-ligand binding
  • Adopt computational approaches to explore structure-activity relationships

Thrust Areas

  • Drug resistance in Cancer
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Tuberculosis
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma